Drive Traffic, Leads, and ROI with Australia's Leading SEO Agency

Supali Infotech Your Google Rankings and Drive Quality Traffic with Tailored SEO Solutions

Unlock the full potential of your online presence with a personalized SEO strategy crafted specifically for your business. Partner with the SEO experts Australia trusts to deliver sustainable results and long-term traffic growth. Take the first step towards success today by scheduling a FREE consultation with one of our seasoned SEO professionals.

  • Collaborate with Specialists, Not Just Account Managers
  • Unlock a 9-Month Strategy for Organic Growth
  • Get Ahead with a FREE 30-Minute Growth Consultation

SEO Agency Australia

Collaborate with a group of SEO experts committed to comprehensively grasping your business, your market dynamics, and your distinct business objectives.

Supali Infotech SEO Agency is a progressive digital marketing agency delivering exceptional search engine optimisation results in Australia. Since 2012, we have been focussing exclusively on delivering the best SEO. We spend 100% of our time focussing on delivering cutting-edge SEO solutions that will leave your competition scratching their heads.

The SEO landscape in Australia is saturated, with numerous large agencies boasting of being 'gurus' and 'experts' who prioritize sales over actual SEO work. At Supali Infotech, we take a different approach. You won't find slick salespeople or account managers here. Our team consists of SEO professionals who not only talk the talk but also walk the walk. As a business, we adhere to a simple principle: we will only take on clients whom we genuinely believe we can assist.

Similar to Google's search engine ranking algorithm, our approach to SEO is constantly evolving. Over the years, we have refined our SEO techniques to align with the evolving demands of effective search engine optimisation. As a dedicated team of SEO professionals, it is our responsibility to comprehend how Google interprets and ranks content. We continuously learning and evolving to ensure that our SEO services in Australia drives results.

At Supali Infotech, our SEO campaigns are crafted with one primary goal in mind: Return on Investment (ROI). While driving organic website traffic is important, our focus extends to cultivating leads, inquiries, and conversions. Every digital marketing decision we make revolves around maximizing your ROI. We're not interested in simply getting you to the first page of Google for irrelevant keywords to meet quotas. Instead, we concentrate on the keywords and key phrases that will propel your business forward.

Setting Goals:

We start by defining your current position and envisioning where you aim to be. Our approach involves establishing ambitious yet achievable objectives for traffic, growth, and ROI.

Collaborate with Specialists:

We handle everything in-house. As a small yet potent team, we ensure you're informed at every stage of the process.

Get Results:

Your success is our success. We measure the effectiveness of your SEO campaign by tracking metrics such as traffic, leads, sales, and overall growth.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for SEO Services?

SEO services are ideal for businesses seeking to enhance both the quantity and quality of leads they acquire through search engines. Whether you offer products or services, SEO professionals can devise strategies to help you effectively reach your target market.

While nearly every business can reap the rewards of collaborating with an SEO specialist, certain industries are poised for remarkable growth through such partnerships. Industries with significant potential for organic expansion encompass professional service providers, home repair tradespeople, medical services, e-commerce companies, and multi-location businesses.

At Supali Infotech, our SEO professionals collaborate closely with your Australian business to comprehend how your target audience engages with organic search. Armed with this understanding, we craft a strategy to optimize the off-site and on-site SEO elements that hold the greatest significance for search engines.

If your target market utilizes search engines to discover the products or services you offer, your business stands to gain from SEO.

SEO – What the Numbers Tell Us

Search engine optimisation services in Australia are in high demand. Recent insights from the SEO tool Semrush indicate that 2,900 individuals and businesses across Australia search for "SEO Agency" on Google each month. Additionally, another 2,400 search for "SEO Services," and 1,600 search for "SEO Company." Over the past year, the number of searches for SEO-related services in Australia has surged by over 17%.

Leveraging valuable market insights and third-party data, Supali Infotech identified this as a crucial search term requiring top ranking on Google to engage with local companies seeking SEO marketing in Australia. We employ the same data, tools, and market insights to grasp how your target audience utilizes Google (and other search engines) to discover your products or services online. This understanding enables us to reverse engineer a strategy that guarantees your business appears at the forefront of search results for valuable, relevant search terms.

Supali Infotech is an Australian search engine optimization agency that leverages performance data, market analytics, and years of expertise to drive informed decisions for your business. Our SEO services are custom-tailored to meet the distinct needs of every medium or small business we collaborate with. We eschew cut-and-paste templates and shortcuts, instead focusing on diligent work that yields significant SEO results over a sustained duration.

Our dedicated team of SEO consultants possesses a deep understanding of the nuances involved in achieving first-page rankings on Google. Comprising a small yet cohesive group of SEO professionals, we specialize in On-Site SEO, Off-Site SEO, Technical SEO, and Content optimization. Our segmented approach to SEO allows each member of our digital marketing and SEO agency to focus on mastering a specific aspect of the SEO process, resulting in tangible lead generation outcomes for our clients.

Choosing to collaborate with Supali Infotech ensures aligning with a team of SEO professionals renowned for their transparency, reliability, and trustworthiness. Unlike many other SEO companies in Australia, we prioritize establishing genuine partnerships with our clients. With us, you won’t be shuffled between account managers, nor will you ever feel like just another number on our client roster. Your business is our primary focus, and we integrate this ethos into every decision we make.

From meticulous on-site implementation to strategic off-site SEO initiatives, each step we take is meticulously crafted to foster the growth and success of your business. At Supali Infotech, we are committed to delivering results that not only meet but exceed your expectations, ensuring your business thrives in the digital landscape.


Our strategy for SEO in Australia

Website Audit

Each SEO campaign starts with a thorough review of your website. This initial assessment allows us to pinpoint areas for improvement and devise tailored solutions to enhance your search engine visibility.

Market Research

We conduct thorough research to uncover market trends and analyze competitors' actions. This essential step allows us to gain insights into the competitive landscape and understand the dynamics of your industry before crafting your SEO strategy.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the cornerstone of every successful SEO campaign. We meticulously select keywords that are not only relevant to your business but also have the potential to drive real results and generate leads.

Content Creation

The quality of content plays a significant role, comprising approximately 50% of how your website ranks on Google. At Supali Infotech, we prioritize crafting content that resonates with users and meets Google's standards, ensuring optimal visibility and engagement.

On-Site Optimisation

We implement on-site optimizations to facilitate Google's crawling process, ensuring seamless navigation and accessibility for both search engines and users. Our focus lies in enhancing the user experience and streamlining the user journey through on-site improvements.

Link Building

Link building plays a crucial role in determining your search engine visibility. We prioritize clean, white hat link building strategies tailored to your business. By focusing on ethical and sustainable methods, we enhance your website's authority and credibility, contributing to improved search rankings and visibility.

Content Strategy

Consistent content creation is paramount to maintaining your success over time. We offer flexible options to support your ongoing content marketing efforts. Whether collaborating with your internal team or working independently, we ensure a steady stream of high-quality content to fuel your continued growth and success.

Ongoing Reporting

Evaluation is crucial for progress. Without reporting, we can't gauge our performance. That's why at Supali Infotech, we provide customized SEO reports aligned with your specific key performance indicators (KPIs). This tailored approach ensures transparency and accountability, allowing us to track our impact and refine strategies for continued success.

3 Things to Look For in an SEO Provider Provider Provider

Seeking the top-notch SEO services in Australia? It’s crucial to conduct thorough research beforehand. With over 1,000 digital marketing agencies in the country as of 2024, only a select few truly excel at optimizing Google for your business. Before investing your resources, consider these three essential qualities when selecting your SEO management partner.

  1. They embody their principles and secure a position on the first page.

An SEO company utilizing social media or paid advertising to promote their services might seem contradictory, doesn’t it? When evaluating SEO companies in Australia, ensure they practice what they preach by ranking on the first page of Google themselves.

Does their website rank at the forefront of local search results for keywords like “SEO Sydney” or “SEO Brisbane”? If not, there’s a strong likelihood they may not have the capacity to drive results for your business. SEO operates on authenticity and credibility. If a company asserts they’re the best SEO Services in Australia, they must substantiate it with notable rankings.

It’s self-evident, but if a company resorts to using Facebook Ads or Google Ads to promote their search engine optimization services, it raises red flags. Selling SEO through paid social media contradicts its core principles, and any company employing this tactic should be approached with caution.

  1. They offer projected timelines and estimated outcomes.

Guaranteed SEO results are a myth. Google explicitly advises against SEO companies that pledge to secure first-page rankings. Ultimately, search engines dictate website rankings and organic traffic volume. An SEO agency is tasked with optimizing on-site and off-site elements to enhance website ranking. Despite any claims to the contrary, no SEO provider can assure specific outcomes.

At Supali Infotech, our extensive experience enables us to offer a realistic timeline for seeing results. We analyze key metrics such as website age, domain rating, domain authority, website traffic, and backlink profiles to provide an accurate projection of when you can expect to see improvements.

  1. They possess social validation from satisfied Clients

Genuine social proof, much like SEO results, cannot be manufactured. However, there are exceptions, notably among SEO agencies with over 400 reviews. It’s not uncommon for these agencies to suddenly receive a surge of 5-star ratings from newly created profiles shortly after receiving a 1-star review. By examining the timeline of reviews for agencies with over 300 reviews, such patterns become apparent.

At Supali Infotech, we’re proud to showcase genuine social proof through over 20 five-star Google reviews from satisfied clients. While it may not reach the 400+ mark of some competitors, our reviews come from real customers who genuinely appreciate the quality of our work and the results we deliver.

SEO Agency Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does SEO Really Work?

Absolutely, SEO is undeniably effective and serves as the backbone for many of the nation's leading companies. When executed correctly, SEO is a powerful tool for driving qualified, high-intent traffic to your website. Remarkably, 84% of businesses that invest in SEO services witness a sustainable enhancement in their organic traffic.

SEO has the capacity to elevate brand visibility and attract valuable organic search traffic to your site. It revolves around comprehending what your target audience seeks when seeking to procure your products or services online, and leveraging this insight to craft a strategy that positions your website in front of them. Our team of digital marketing SEO professionals dedicates the time to analyze your industry and competitors, discerning your SEO potential.

In essence, if your target audience turns to Google to find the products or services you offer, our team can ensure your presence on their radar.

3. How Long Does SEO Take?

The reality is that SEO is an ongoing process that demands continual updates and attention, all while adhering to Google's best practice guidelines. Your sustained success hinges not on a one-time website optimization, but on a long-term strategy. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, your website's ranking, conversion rate, Google rating, and overall success are reliant on a comprehensive, enduring strategy.

In 2024, Australian businesses are increasingly investing in performance-based SEO. Those who adopt best practice SEO methodologies, regardless of their size, reap tangible results. At Supali Infotech, we advocate for a results-driven approach that prioritizes return on investment above all other metrics. We recommend selecting a comprehensive SEO specialist capable of delivering a high-level long-term strategy with results visible at four months, six months, and even two years down the line.

Engaging in SEO efforts for a short period and then neglecting them will not yield sustained visibility or positive long-term results. If your marketing budget permits, investing in SEO is an imperative step that should be initiated as soon as possible.

SEO is a cumulative process; the longer you invest in it, the more pronounced the results become. If you aim to witness increased leads, organic traffic, and revenue six months from now, initiating SEO efforts today is paramount. Reach out to us for an SEO audit that can provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions regarding your next steps.

5. Is Supali Infotech Amongst the Best SEO Companies in Australia?

Discovering the secret to selecting a top SEO provider involves more than just opting for a company like Supali Infotech. It requires an impartial evaluation process to identify the best SEO experts in Australia. Entrusting a digital marketing agency with your web presence, a crucial asset, is a significant decision.

When seeking a reputable SEO partner for your business, consider the following factors:

Discovery Method: How did you come across the company? Was it through organic search (SEO) or another marketing channel?

Search Rankings: Are they ranking on the first page for their own keywords? This indicates their proficiency in SEO.
In-House Expertise: Do they have an in-house team of SEO specialists, or do they outsource tasks overseas? Competitor Engagement: Are they working with any of your competitors? If so, how will they ensure the confidentiality of your data and intellectual property?
SEO Focus: Do they prioritize on-page or off-page SEO, or both?
Success Metrics: What metrics will they use to measure the success of your campaign?
Keyword Selection: How do they select keywords for your campaign? Is it based on thorough research and analysis?
Link Building Strategy: What is their approach to link building, and how do they ensure its effectiveness and compliance with best practices?
Point of Contact: Who will be your main point of contact throughout the campaign, and how will they ensure effective communication and collaboration?
Considering these factors will help you make an informed decision and choose an SEO provider that aligns with your business goals and requirements.

7. How Do I Choose the Best SEO Company?

We like to think we're pretty good at what we do. You found us on this page because you were searching for SEO in the organic search results (Google). So, as an SEO company, we must be doing something right.

We're confident that we have one of the most diverse and knowledgeable SEO teams around. It's a bold claim, but we've delivered enough high-quality SEO results to genuinely believe that we are among the best SEO professionals in various fields.

Are we the best SEO agency for every industry? Probably not. Even Apple Computers isn't the best at everything. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a multifaceted aspect of digital marketing, and we work with clients across a wide range of industries, including:

Local SEO

eCommerce SEO

Service-Based SEO

Enterprise SEO

Small Business SEO

...and many more!

Here's what we can guarantee as the best SEO company in Australia. We only take on clients if we believe we can deliver value in search engines. We don't handle social media marketing or Google Ads. If we agree to work with you as an SEO client, it means we're confident we can achieve outstanding SEO results for you.

We intentionally limit the number of clients we work with at any given time to ensure the high quality of our work. Additionally, we never work with two companies in the same industry and area simultaneously. Working with competing companies would present a clear conflict of interest, so we avoid it altogether. When you choose to work with Supali Infotech SEO Company, you can trust that we won't work with your competitors while we're working with you.

2. Is SEO Worth It?

Absolutely, when executed correctly!

Choosing a top SEO agency that aligns with your objectives and possesses the expertise to deliver results can indeed revolutionize your business. However, it's essential to understand that SEO isn't a one-time task. You can't simply engage a digital marketing agency to "SEO your website" and expect perpetual first-page rankings throughout your business's lifecycle. As of 2024, Google generates 81% of its revenue from Google Ads, a testament to the dynamic nature of search results.

Google's revenue model thrives on the dynamic nature of search results. If organic search rankings were easily attainable, Google's business model would be jeopardized. Thus, Google constantly updates its search algorithm to maintain dynamism. Search engine marketing is an ever-evolving landscape, and achieving first-page rankings entails a blend of art and science that evolves continuously.

4. Why is SEO So Important?

SEO stands out as the most scalable online marketing method, offering businesses significant exposure on a budget. Recent data reveals that over 70% of clicks on Google are directed to organic search results. While Google ads have their merits, they lack the scalability of a robust SEO strategy that endures over time.

SEO marketing remains the most potent tool for business growth online. Without an effective organic strategy, you miss out on over 70% of potential website clicks and impressions.

While SEO may not suit every business, there are five compelling reasons why organic digital marketing services from an SEO company are indispensable: Elimination of costs for ad space, clicks, or impressions Establishment of brand trust, credibility, and recognition Enhancement of on-site user experience through effective SEO Competitive edge maintenance Measurable ROI from SEO

Above all, SEO proves to be the most effective means of increasing brand visibility and long-term organic traffic at scale. Unlike Facebook Advertising, Social Media, or Google Ads, SEO doesn't necessitate payment for each click and impression your site receives. It continuously works to bolster brand credibility, online presence, and recognition among your target audience.

6. Can I do my own SEO?

Certainly, it's conceivable if you have the time to dedicate to learning, experimenting, failing, and eventually succeeding. You might consider taking on SEO yourself.

In 2024, there's an abundance of online resources available to guide you in implementing your own search engine optimization strategies. However, the main challenge lies in navigating the plethora of conflicting information from different digital marketing sources, each claiming to possess the secret formula for achieving first-page rankings on Google.

For instance, one blog might assert that meta titles hold no significance for SEO, while another insists they are crucial. Similarly, a social media manager might incorrectly assert a connection between social media and SEO.

From our experience, mastering SEO entails a process of trial and error, often spanning years. Our SEO team has gained invaluable insights into what works and what doesn't through firsthand experience.

Understanding how each change and update impacts your website takes time and dedication.

Alternatively, hiring an SEO company in Australia accelerates this process. Rather than grappling with uncertainty over what strategies will yield results, an SEO agency has already traversed this journey, equipped with the knowledge and expertise to propel your website forward.

SEO Costs Frequently Asked Questions

Determining the cost of SEO in Australia can vary depending on several factors. We understand that cost is a significant consideration when selecting an SEO agency to grow your business. Below, we address some common questions regarding full-service SEO and pricing.


If you're seeking a price chart, you won't find one here. Unlike cookie-cutter SEO companies that offer standardized packages akin to a subway menu, we specialize in crafting customized SEO solutions that drive tangible results.


At Supali Infotech, we refrain from upselling unnecessary digital marketing services and avoid inflating prices to accommodate a three-tier invoice system. Our SEO pricing is tailored to reflect the specific work required to help your business achieve long-term organic SEO success.

Should I Hire an SEO Agency?

In 2024, there's an abundance of online information available for implementing your own SEO strategies. However, the biggest challenge lies in the vast amount of conflicting information.

One digital marketing blog may claim that meta titles hold no significance for SEO, while another asserts their importance for search engines. From our experience, mastering SEO requires a process of trial and error. It takes years of experimentation to truly grasp what works and what doesn't. Fortunately, our SEO team has gained firsthand knowledge in this regard.

Understanding how each change and update impacts your site in search engines takes time. Hiring an SEO company expedites this learning process and ensures effective optimization strategies.

Yes, it's possible to do SEO for your own site in 2024.

Conceivably, yes. If you have the time to learn, experiment, encounter setbacks, and eventually succeed. However, there's a valid reason why SEO agencies like Supali Infotech employ engineers, copywriters, and web development experts – because mastering SEO requires time and expertise. If you lack the time or resources, seeking assistance from an expert is advisable.

How Much Does SEO Cost?

The cost of SEO in Australia can vary significantly, ranging from $1,000 per month to over $30,000 per month.

Several factors influence the cost of SEO and digital marketing services in Australia, including:

Your website's history and previous SEO efforts.

The size of your market and competition within your niche.

Your current organic traffic and search engine rankings.

Previous off-site SEO work completed.

The location of your business.

The number of pages requiring optimization.

The extent of new content creation needed, among others.

There's no fixed investment figure for SEO, as the needs and goals of each business differ. Some businesses may achieve satisfactory results with a monthly investment of less than $1,500, while others may require higher expenditures due to more extensive SEO requirements.

It's crucial to understand that SEO outcomes can vary significantly. When consulting with an SEO agency, inquire about their monthly deliverables. It may be worthwhile to pay a slightly higher fee each month for more substantial deliverables.

Ultimately, the cost charged by SEO agencies in Australia depends on various factors. Consulting with an SEO professional who can assess your specific needs and outline the associated costs is the best approach.

Should I Pay for SEO Services?

You have two main options if you're a business owner looking to pursue an online strategy:

Learn and master online marketing yourself.

Be prepared to hire a professional to assist you.

Similar to your industry, expecting someone to come in and perform your job isn't realistic. Effective search engine optimization requires dedicated effort and expertise. At Supali Infotech, delivering successful SEO campaigns is a full-time job for our consultants. We have a team of SEO experts with years of experience specializing in various aspects of SEO: On-Site Optimization

Content Creation

Technical SEO Optimization

Off-Site SEO

Within each of these SEO pillars, we have specialists focused on mastering individual facets. A successful SEO campaign necessitates the integration of these different elements from various SEO experts.

How Much Should I Pay for SEO Services?

Determining how much to pay for SEO is a common dilemma among business owners. The key consideration is your market dynamics. In a low-competition market, SEO costs may be relatively modest.

Conversely, if you operate in a highly competitive market where Google Ad costs are steep, competitors may be allocating significant resources to digital marketing and SEO services. SEO is akin to a race, and the investment required depends largely on your industry's competitiveness.

Additionally, the cost of SEO services should align with the value of a conversion for your business. It's about assessing return on investment (ROI), not just upfront expenditure. If each conversion yields $1,000 for your business, SEO could offer a compelling ROI. Conversely, if each transaction is of nominal value, hiring an SEO company may appear prohibitively expensive.

Off-Site SEO Approach Explained

Off-site SEO, also known as off-page SEO, encompasses all web design and external factors that influence your website’s online presence. Google utilizes numerous factors to determine website rankings in search results, and off-site factors play a significant role in this process.


While search engine optimization practices continually evolve, one constant remains: the significance of trustworthy, relevant, and authoritative off-page signals directed to your website.


Here are some off-site factors that impact your online presence and visibility in search engines like Google:

  1. Backlinks


Backlinks constitute approximately 40-50% of how websites rank in Google search results, making them the primary off-site SEO ranking factor. Building relevant and authoritative backlinks lies at the core of off-page SEO. Backlinks occur when one website links to another, serving as a trust signal for Google and other search engines.


The quantity and quality of high-authority, relevant links pointing to your website greatly influence your search engine rankings. However, not all link-building efforts are equal. For instance, links from social media platforms do not hold as much weight. Improper link-building practices, often referred to as black hat SEO, can actually harm your website’s visibility in search results.


When building links, consider the following factors:


The authority of the website linking to yours.

The traffic received by the referring site and specific web page.

The anchor text used in the backlink.

The number of links present on the page.

The trustworthiness of the site providing the link.

The age of the page providing the link.


Analogously, backlinks can be likened to job references. A reference from a co-worker is valuable, but one from a manager holds more weight. Similarly, a reference from a company owner or CEO carries even more significance. When acquiring backlinks, the goal is to secure “CEO Links” that pass authority and trust to your website.


  1. Local Citations


Local citations, also known as NAP Links (name, address, phone number), or directory links, play a crucial role in establishing consistency and legitimacy in search results, particularly for local SEO.


Citations serve as a means for search engines to verify the legitimacy, trustworthiness, and existence of businesses. Having consistent business information across multiple websites enhances the likelihood of search engines recognizing your business as a legitimate entity in local SEO rankings.


However, it’s important to note that not all directories hold the same value. While obtaining local citations from a variety of reputable websites is beneficial, indiscriminately submitting your business to every directory can have adverse effects. We strongly advise consulting with a professional digital marketing agency before pursuing citation submissions. Beware of providers promising hundreds of citation links, as this approach may lead to negative outcomes.


At Supali Infotech, we rely on a trusted group of directory sites to build local citations for clients. While citations alone won’t guarantee page 1 rankings on Google, they constitute an essential component of a comprehensive SEO strategy. It’s worth noting that the impact of citations has diminished over time, and we employ them judiciously. If an SEO agency emphasizes the ongoing importance of local citations excessively, it may be an attempt to divert attention from acquiring legitimate links through your SEO campaign.


  1. Google My Business (GMB)


Think of Google My Business as the most valuable directory citation your business can receive. It picks up where platforms like Yelp, Yellow Pages, and TripAdvisor leave off.


Google My Business (GMB) is the go-to platform for information on business trading hours, location, and reviews. Here are six benefits businesses can enjoy with a well-optimized GMB listing:


Improved local visibility and online presence.

Enhanced engagement between businesses and customers.

Increased potential for local SEO.

Ability to answer frequently asked questions.

Establishment of legitimacy with prospective clients.

Direct communication with the audience through GMB updates.


A well-optimized GMB listing is crucial for keeping potential customers informed about the latest business developments, including news, hours, reviews, and availability. GMB plays a vital role in an effective local SEO campaign by facilitating communication between businesses and customers.


  1. Social Media and SEO


Social media does not directly impact your website’s appearance in Google search results. However, it does play a significant role in influencing your search engine ranking indirectly.


Unlike traditional backlinks, links from social media marketing do not function in the same way. Nonetheless, social media marketing can benefit your website’s popularity and ranking in several ways:


Enhancing brand presence can increase the number of brand searches on Google.

Syndicating content across social media platforms can extend the lifespan of your content.

Social media provides an additional channel for distributing organic content.

Social media activity can serve as a valuable local SEO ranking signal.

Improved brand recognition through social media exposure increases the likelihood of users finding your brand in Google search results.


Despite common misconceptions, the number of shares, retweets, and likes on social media does not directly impact your search engine rankings.


  1. Brand Mentions


In 2018, John Mueller from Google discussed the significance of brand mentions for SEO and their impact, even without accompanying links. During a Google Webmaster Hangout, the Google Search Engineer clarified that Google recognizes brand mentions as a positive signal for website rankings. While Google has refuted claims that brand mentions directly pass on page rank, their influence on SEO remains substantial.


Brand mentions hold considerable value for online presence and brand awareness. The Google Panda Patent introduced the concept of ‘implied links’ as a potential ranking signal in the future. This suggests that brand mentions could eventually hold similar weight to traditional backlinks in successful SEO campaigns.


At Supali Infotech, we prioritize tracking brand mentions across various channels, including reviews, social media marketing, and other digital marketing platforms. We actively pursue brand mentions alongside link building efforts. The implicit benefit of brand mentions also leads to increased brand name searches, characterized by significantly higher click-through rates and lower bounce rates compared to general search queries.


  1. Guest Blogging


Guest blogging and SEO are complementary activities that align with the Google Webmaster Guidelines governing every action in an SEO campaign. By publishing relevant and useful content on industry-specific websites, businesses can establish credibility and transfer trust from one site to another.


At Supali Infotech, guest blogging isn’t about merely inserting links into irrelevant articles in hopes of gaining link juice from Google. We prioritize industry-relevant publications to ensure our clients are noticed in the right context. We steer clear of dubious blog networks or link exchange programs, instead focusing on building links through valuable blog contributions. While this approach demands considerable time and effort for each link acquired, the results are proven over time. By building links ethically, we ensure that users are provided with valuable content, driving traffic to our clients’ websites for the right reasons.

What are you waiting for? Book your FREE SEO consultation today!

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On-Site SEO Practices Explained

website beforewebsite after supaliinfotech

As an SEO agency in Australia, we prioritize both on-site and off-site SEO elements to enhance your website’s visibility in Google searches. At Supali Infotech, we consider both aspects equally important, allocating roughly 50% of our focus to each. This means that half of your website’s ranking in Google relies on content marketing, while the other half depends on high-quality links.


However, it’s crucial to note that off-site SEO efforts won’t yield effective results unless you’ve optimized all on-site elements. Without the right content on your website, including relevant keywords, Google is unlikely to prioritize your site in search engine results pages. Therefore, addressing both on-site and off-site SEO is essential for growing your business online.

  1. Technical SEO Optimisation

When it comes to ranking on Google, technical SEO plays a crucial role, although it often remains unseen to the average user. For those who are less familiar with technical aspects of website management, technical SEO can appear daunting, yet it’s a vital component of any effective on-site SEO strategy.

During an initial SEO audit of your site, we delve into various technical SEO factors, including:

Identifying on-site crawl errors through a crawl error report

Checking the HTTPS status of your website

Testing the mobile-friendliness of your website

Verifying the accessibility of your XML sitemap in Google

Assessing site load time, as speed impacts both web design and search visibility

Identifying keyword crossover (cannibalization) between pages

Inspecting your robots.txt file

Checking for duplicate metadata in your page source

Identifying any duplicate content from competing websites

Providing a broken link report

Implementing canonical links between pages for effective web design

This list simplifies the technical SEO audit process, as there are numerous factors involved in conducting a comprehensive assessment. The essence of technical SEO lies in uncovering any technical limitations that may hinder your search rankings and online presence.

It’s essential to understand that technical SEO isn’t a one-time fix. Throughout SEO campaigns, we continuously monitor our clients’ websites to identify areas for improvement and rectification to optimize their Google ranking. When considering technical SEO, we recommend partnering with specialized SEO companies in Australia that prioritize this aspect rather than treating it as a secondary web design service.

  1. On-Page Content

Your content matters more than you think. Never underestimate the power of on-site content that not only meets user expectations but also addresses their queries effectively. High-quality content is paramount for lead generation. However, it’s crucial that your content is meaningful, optimized with the right keywords, and aligns with user expectations when they land on your page.

Simply churning out long-form content won’t guarantee high search engine rankings on platforms like Google.

Here’s a key point to remember: Google is a business. The majority of its revenue comes from PPC advertising (Google Ads), making it imperative for its search engine to deliver top-notch results to maintain its position as the market leader. Google’s priority is to offer the best user experience possible. If it fails to do so, competitors will seize the opportunity to gain ground. Therefore, your content marketing strategy must be SEO-friendly and fulfill user expectations. This is where effective keyword research and content planning become crucial.

Your content should provide valuable answers to users’ questions and satisfy their needs. Additionally, your website’s design should facilitate easy access to content, ensuring a seamless user experience.

At Supali Infotech SEO Agency, we prioritize user intent and expectation. Before diving into creating optimized on-site SEO content, we ensure that the content aligns with user expectations. We ask ourselves if the content is deserving of a top spot in Google search results for the targeted keywords. Is it authoritative, trustworthy, and expert (Google EAT)? Effective SEO strategy begins and ends with comprehensive keyword research.

Years of experience and numerous case studies have taught us that crafting SEO-friendly content is an art. It may not always be aesthetically pleasing, but when executed effectively, it yields significant results. The same principles apply to your on-site content marketing efforts.

  1. Keyword Usage

Keyword research, strategy, and implementation are paramount in delivering effective SEO services in Australia. Ensuring that the right words are strategically placed on each page is the single most critical factor in SEO ranking. We dedicate extensive time to meticulously plan and select the most suitable keywords for each client, understanding how their target customers search for their products or services online.

To facilitate this process, we leverage industry-leading SEO research tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz. These tools provide invaluable insights into metrics like monthly search volume, equivalent cost per click data, and keyword competition, enabling us to make well-informed decisions for our clients. Using this data, we develop a comprehensive set of short-term and long-term focus keywords tailored to drive our clients’ SEO goals across different timeframes.

The effectiveness of keyword usage hinges on understanding user intent. While ranking #1 for a broad term like ‘Hats’ may seem appealing, the conversion rate for such a keyword could be relatively low due to varying user intents, including seeking photos, information, definitions, or shopping. Conversely, targeting a more specific keyword like ‘White Baseball Cap’ may yield lower search volume but higher conversion potential due to its relevance to user intent. By discerning which keywords to target, we empower our clients with a competitive edge in their market.

Our approach to selecting and implementing keywords is customized to the unique goals of each client. Within the initial two weeks of launching an SEO campaign, we conduct extensive research to identify the most lucrative and impactful keywords for their business. Subsequently, our team of SEO consultants crafts a tailored SEO keyword plan designed to enhance our clients’ visibility for the most relevant search terms.

  1. Meta Data

We’ve emphasized it before, and we’ll reiterate it—your metadata holds significant importance for your SEO ranking and online visibility. SEO metadata refers to the information displayed in the search engine results pages (SERPs) when a website appears for a specific query.

For example, when potential visitors or customers search for a product or service your business offers, they might encounter a search result displaying some of your on-page metadata in the Google results.

Google utilizes metadata to ascertain relevance, context, and to rank content. It’s imperative that your metadata aligns with the search terms you aim to rank for in Google.

When optimizing metadata, here are some key factors your SEO company or digital marketing agency should focus on:

Meta Description

Meta Title

Language Tags

Geo Tags


Social Meta Tags

Metadata serves as a crucial on-site ranking factor. Your SEO partner should possess a well-defined, adaptable digital marketing strategy that has been successfully implemented across various sites. Metadata is one aspect of this strategy that can be adapted (with custom elements) and should be utilized based on proven effectiveness.

If your digital marketing agency lacks a solid plan for metadata, it may be prudent to reconsider your choice of SEO firm.

  1. UX Factors

User experience is crucial for effective SEO strategies. Even if you offer top-notch content, if users don’t enjoy their on-site experience, they won’t return. Your website’s conversion rate relies on your ability to rank your products and services in front of users when they’re ready to make a purchase.

Google places increasing importance on rewarding sites that provide a positive on-site user experience, as evidenced by the Google Page Experience Core Update. This update emphasizes key on-site metrics to determine rankings.

Here are some ways Google uses on-page experience to rank high-quality content:

Website Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Website Bounce Rate

Return Organic Website Traffic

Website Dwell Time

Pages Per Visit

If Google consistently receives negative user experience metrics from organic website traffic, it will assume that your content isn’t meeting user expectations and may push your site down in the search engine results pages. The first page of Google is reserved for sites that deliver outstanding user experiences.

User experience encompasses various elements, including web design, website layout, content, and more. An initial SEO audit of your Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into how users interact with your site.

We also utilize industry-leading tools to track how organic traffic behaves on your website. These tools help us identify areas that need improvement, optimization, and changes to enhance user experience.

  1. Internal Link Strategy

You’ve probably heard of backlinks, but did you know that internal links between various pages of your website can also impact organic search engine rankings? Internal linking plays a significant role in web development and SEO campaigns.

Establishing an internal link SEO structure can achieve three essential goals:

Conveying the value and importance of pages to search engines.

Helping search engines establish relationships between content on your site.

Assisting users in navigating through different pages on your site.

Internal links are any links that connect one page to another page on the same domain. While they’re commonly found in internal navigation menus in a website’s header and footer, they can also be used within the text throughout the website to pass high-quality link equity.

Internal links are crucial for establishing site hierarchy and informing Google about the importance of different pages on your website. They provide search engine bots with additional information about the relevance of one page to another.

Internal links aid search engine bots, like those used by Google, in establishing relevancy between pages. Interlinking between content marketing and conversion-oriented landing pages can be a potent strategy for ranking on the first page of Google for competitive keywords.

Contextual internal links between various pages on your website guide on-site users to other relevant information. While the focus above has been on the search benefits of internal links, there’s another crucial aspect to consider: user experience.

Keeping on-site users engaged and interested in your content and relevant pages is vital for long-term SEO success. Internal links can help increase time on page, traffic to your website, and overall user experience.

  1. URL Structure

Getting your URL structure right is an essential component of SEO. Both search engines and prospective customers use URLs to understand the context and hierarchy of content on your website. URLs also play a role in passing link equity between pages and guiding customers through their on-site journey. If you have any knowledge of web development, you’ll understand that your URL structure must be logical and provide a breadcrumb path for users to navigate back to a root or navigational page.

When it comes to URL structure and SEO, planning is crucial. Before launching a new website or proceeding with SEO work for an existing site, it’s important to define the best possible URL structure during the web development stages for both SEO and website visitors. Here are some things to consider:

Use your keywords in the URL.

Ensure scalability, allowing room for growth, especially with categories.

Avoid over-optimization of URLs.

Keep URLs short and concise.

Prefer static URLs over dynamic ones, especially for large e-commerce sites.

Redirect existing or outdated URL strings to relevant pages.

Implement an effective canonical plan to avoid duplicate content issues.

Update the sitemap to reflect any URL structure changes.

URL structure requires careful consideration for both web design and SEO. In the first two weeks of your SEO marketing campaign, we will assess your existing structure and provide recommendations as you grow your business.

  1. Information Architecture (IA)

Information architecture (IA) SEO involves organizing and labeling content in a manner that aligns with the most logical experience for on-site users. IA plays a crucial role in how Google bots and users navigate through a website, providing context regarding the placement and purpose of content. Effective IA entails understanding user needs and delivering relevant resources in the appropriate location and time. Here are some benefits of implementing effective Information Architecture in web development for SEO:

Improved website crawlability, making it easier for search engines to index content.

Efficient distribution of link equity between pages, enhancing the overall authority of the site.

Reduced bounce rate as users find relevant content more easily, leading to increased engagement.

Enhanced user experience metrics, such as longer session durations and higher interaction rates.

Improved search engine visibility due to well-organized content that aligns with user intent.

Enhanced on-site navigation, allowing users to navigate seamlessly between pages.

Higher dwell time as users spend more time engaging with valuable content.

Increased traffic to the website as a result of improved visibility and user experience.

More pages visited per session as users explore the site’s well-structured content.

Information Architecture and SEO are intertwined activities. Effective SEO involves more than just incorporating keywords; it requires structuring and presenting content in a way that is user-friendly and search engine-friendly.

Get in Touch

What are you waiting for? Our team is ready to work with you to create a custom SEO strategy that will inundate your business with high-converting leads. No offshore customer service or account managers. Contact us today to speak with an SEO professional.

$ 249 Monthly
$ 499 Monthly
$ 749 Monthly
$ 999 Monthly
Duplicate Content Check
Baseline Ranking Check
Full Site Technical Audit
Back Link Analysis
Competitor Analysis
Keyphrase Research & Selection
Upto 15 Keywords
Upto 25 Keywords
Upto 40 Keywords
Upto 60 Keywords
Broken Links Check
Mobile Usability Issue Checking
Site Health
Sitemap Creation
Robots.txt Creation
Custom 404 Page Analysis
Meta Tag, Header Tag Optimization
Existing Content Optimization
New Page Creation
New Blog Creation
Image Optimization (File name, ALT Tag, Title Tag)
Header optimization
Footer optimization
SEO Friendly URLs
Website Speed and page Load Optimization
Schema Markup
Google And Bing Webmaster Tools
Googel Analytics
Google Tag Manager
Google Business Profile Setup and Verification
Bing Local Listing Setup
Profile Creation
Business Listing
Classified Submission
PPT Submission
Blog Submission
Article Submission
Social Bookmarking
Social Sharing
Image Promotion and Submission
Keyword Ranking Report
Google Analytics Report
Monthly Traffic Report
SEO Activity Report
Email, Chat, Phone
Gmeet/Teams/Zoom/Whatsapp Meeting
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